Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Welcome to our FAQ page, your quick resource for answers about our portal. Whether you're a new or experienced requester of our services, this page addresses common questions.

If you can't find an answer, please contact our Client Services team on 1300 360 541 or email

Who are Cancer Council NSW?

When should I request services?

Who can make a request to Cancer Council NSW’s information and support services?

How do I use the portal?

What information do I need to provide?

Can I follow up on the status of a request?

How can I arrange urgent services for a patient?

Does Cancer Council NSW charge for services?

Do some services have eligibility criteria?

How long before you respond to my request?

Is there a way to confirm if my patient is already receiving services from Cancer Council NSW?

What if my patient's needs change after the initial request?